

Muslim Council of Elders Participates in the 19th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates

Muslim Council of Elders Participates in the 19th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates

*Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Elders: Contemporary Global Challenges Urge Us to Rediscover Our Shared Human Values*

*Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam: Global Awards Like the Nobel Peace Prize and the Zayed Award for Human Fraternity Are an Inspiration for Peacebuilding and Coexistence*

The Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Elders, His Excellency Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam, participated in the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, held this year under the theme "Peace for Progress: A Path to Collective Prosperity." The summit was attended by over 15 Nobel Peace Laureates, alongside a number of organizations and prominent international figures. The event featured a series of sessions and discussions focused on global challenges to peace and innovative solutions and strategies for conflict resolution. It also aimed to provide a platform for dialogue to find constructive ways to promote peace, human development, and humanitarian efforts for harmonious coexistence.

In his speech at the 19th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, held from September 18 to 21 in Monterrey, Mexico, the Secretary-General emphasized that the challenges, wars, and conflicts facing the world today, along with the rise of hate speech, intolerance, discrimination, and violence, require a collective effort to rediscover shared human values. He noted that religious institutions must collaborate to form global movements and alliances that unite efforts around common aspirations for a more peaceful, harmonious, and understanding world.

He added that constructive cooperation and the formation of alliances that transcend religious and cultural boundaries, as well as unifying efforts around shared goals, require a shift in how we perceive and manage our differences. This involves rediscovering the human values that connect diverse religions, cultures, and races, fostering mutual understanding and respect. He also pointed out that, in times of conflict and crisis, it is essential to promote values of compassion, justice, and respect for human dignity, which are universal principles that can provide a solid foundation for dialogue and understanding, creating opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together through joint initiatives.

The Secretary-General explained that the Muslim Council of Elders, under the chairmanship of His Eminence Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, believes that peace is not merely the absence of wars but a reflection of the highest noble human values. He highlighted that since its establishment in 2014, the Council has actively participated in global efforts to promote values of tolerance, coexistence, and peace. It has organized dialogues between East and West, launched international peace convoys, the Emerging Peacemakers Forum, and the Student Dialogues Program for Human Fraternity. The Council also contributed to the launch of the Human Fraternity Document, the most important document in modern human history, signed by the two most prominent religious leaders in the world, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and Pope Francis, in Abu Dhabi in 2019. Additionally, the Council has worked to enhance the role of religious leaders in addressing global challenges, particularly climate change, by organizing the Global Faith Leaders Summit for Climate and the first-ever Faith Pavilion at COP28 in Dubai.

He added that the Muslim Council of Elders has called for a global strategy to combat hate speech, intolerance, and discrimination, and for the enactment of international legislation to address threats to peace and security. This forms part of a broader commitment to promoting values of dialogue and coexistence, striving for a world where respect for diversity is the foundation of relationships between communities and nations. The Council continues to advance these values through various initiatives, efforts, publications, and branches worldwide, aiming to promote dialogue, tolerance, coexistence, and peace.

The Secretary-General also noted that global awards honoring leading figures in peacebuilding, foremost among them the Nobel Prize and the Zayed Award for Human Fraternity, significantly contribute to peace, coexistence, and global stability by encouraging more individuals and organizations to work toward promoting peace, tolerance, and human fraternity, while making significant contributions to overcoming divisions and separations.

In conclusion, the Secretary-General emphasized the importance of this summit as a vital initiative and forum that brings together Nobel Peace Laureates and thinkers from around the world. He stressed that the Muslim Council of Elders also relies on wise individuals from every religion, culture, and community worldwide, trusting in their collective wisdom and experiences to contribute to promoting nonviolence, social justice, and sustainable development.



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