

The Vatican alongside the Muslim Council of Elders and and the Presidency of the (COP28) Conference are discussing the launch of an initiative aimed at involving religious institutions and leaders to address the challenges of climate change

His Holiness Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church, received in private Audience, on May 29, H.E. Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Elders, and H.E. Ambassador Majid Al-Suwaidi, Director-General and Special Representative of the UAE Presidency for COP28.

During the Audience, they shared the possibility of launching a joint initiative on climate change in preparation for and on the occasion of the upcoming COP28, in order to involve religious institutions, leaders, and civil society organizations in addressing the goals of COP28.

The initiative will call on all religious institutions, leaders, and civil society organizations worldwide to unite towards achieving the shared goal of protecting the Earth, our common home. It aims to build on the role of religions in bridging communication between nations, cultures, and individuals, and opening new horizons for climate action. The initiative will be driven by the firm conviction of the important role of religious leaders and institutions in driving practical solutions to address the detrimental consequences of climate change.

During the Audience, the possibility of creating an interfaith and intercultural dialogue pavilion at COP28 was also considered. This space could be dedicated to enlightened religious discourse and knowledge exchange, serving as a platform for dialogue between religions and cultures and highlighting the crucial role of religious perspectives and values in addressing the climate crisis.

The United Arab Emirates is hosting the COP28 conference from November 30 to December 12, 2023, aiming to find effective solutions to mitigate the negative impact of climate change as a global challenge that threatens life on this planet.



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