

Muslim Council of Elders strongly condemns burning of Holy Quran by extremists in Denmark

Muslim Council of Elders strongly condemns burning of Holy Quran by extremists in Denmark
Under the Chairmanship of the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, His Eminence Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, the Muslim Council of Elders expresses its utmost condemnation of the heinous and despicable burning of the Holy Quran by an extremist group in Denmark.
The Council reiterates unequivocally rejects such heinous acts that aim to provoke Muslims around the world while also emphasizing that the recurrence of such racist actions reflects a vile extremism, blind fanaticism, and abhorrent hatred, that contradict basic human principles, and norms. Furthermore, these abhorrent acts only serve to undermine global efforts to promote peace and coexistence.
The Council calls for the implementation of definitive measures and legislations to stop such vile practices to criminalize attacks against religions and religious sanctities. These repeated despicable actions, the Council stresses, cannot be justified under the guise of freedom of speech or expression.


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