

Faith Leaders and Figures in Indonesia Celebrate His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders


The World's Largest Islamic Organization Organizes a Grand Reception for the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders, with the Attendance of Faith Leaders and Figures in Indonesia


Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders: "Difference is a Divine Law, and We Must All Adopt the Culture of Dialogue, Tolerance, and Mutual Coexistence."


The Indonesian Nahdlatul Ulama Association, the world's largest Islamic organization with over 120 million followers, organized a grand reception for His Eminence Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders. The event was attended by leaders and figures of different religions in Indonesia, including Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Hindus, and Confucians. Thousands of leaders, symbols, and youth from the association attended the reception, while hundreds of thousands followed the event through a live broadcast.

In his speech at the event titled "Dialogue and Harmony between Religions and Civilizations," His Eminence stated that different religions and sects are essentially messages of peace to humanity, animals, plants, and nature as a whole. He emphasized that Islam, for example, does not permit Muslims to bear arms except in self-defence. He affirmed that Muslims have never fought others to force them into Islam, as Islam views non-Muslims through a lens of love and human fraternity, not hostility or suspicion. Several verses in the Quran explicitly stipulate that the relationship between Muslims and peaceful non-Muslims—regardless of their religions or sects—is one of love, kindness, and fairness.

His Eminence added that Islam does not need to prove that it is a religion of dialogue, integration of civilizations, cultural exchange, and respect for others. These facts are known to both believers and non-believers alike. History has testified to the civilization of this religion as one of human fraternity and global religious camaraderie, never a source of human suffering. It never showed intolerance toward other religions and never took a hostile stance, overt or covert, in its armed conflicts with non-Muslims. Islam always adhered to the principles of justice and self-defense.

The Grand Imam stressed the need for Easterners to feel closer and more connected to the West, moving away from viewing Western civilization as entirely evil or contrary to religious values and virtues. He suggested adopting a more optimistic view, seeing Western civilization as a human civilization that, despite its flaws and deficiencies, has saved humanity and advanced it to scientific and technological horizons that would have been unattainable throughout its ancient history without Western scholars' dedication to literary, experimental, and artistic sources of knowledge. At the same time, the East has spiritual and religious resources to offer the West, helping prevent its civilization from decay and disintegration. Meanwhile, the West has much to offer the East in terms of rescuing it from scientific, technological, and industrial backwardness, among other areas.

He concluded, "The step taken jointly by His Holiness Pope Francis and me, perhaps for the first time in the history of Christian-Islamic relations, resulted in the Document on Human Fraternity, now recognized globally and with the United Nations declaring its anniversary on February 4th as International Day of Human Fraternity. This step may help dissolve the accumulated misunderstandings and tensions between followers of different sects and religions in both East and West, especially during times of war and crises. These meetings will yield the desired results—God willing—if intentions are sincere, wills are strong, hearts are pure, and minds are sound. Is there hope that the West will reduce its arrogance and that the East will abandon its suspicions and meet halfway for mutual understanding, love, experience exchange, benefits, and real cooperation for lasting peace and a secure civilization?"

Religious leaders and figures expressed their great welcome to His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders, affirming that he is a symbol of peace, tolerance, and coexistence. They consistently draw inspiration from his efforts to promote values of truth, goodness, justice, and human fraternity, spreading the spirit of peace, coexistence, and citizenship. Members of the Nahdlatul Ulama Association expressed their love and appreciation for His Eminence and Al-Azhar, highlighting their constant efforts to draw from the light of Al-Azhar and its dedicated scholars who spread enlightened thought, moderation, and peace worldwide.

Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, welcomed the third visit of the Grand Imam to Indonesia, responding to an invitation from the Indonesian President. He confirmed that this visit is of great importance, given the immense love and respect that the Indonesian people have for His Eminence, whose scholars were trained by Al-Azhar scholars and walked in the light of its knowledge and the blessings of its dedicated teachers. The CEO of the Nahdlatul Ulama Association expressed his great joy at the Grand Imam's acceptance of the invitation to attend the celebration organized by the association during his visit to Indonesia, noting that more than 300 university presidents from the association attended, along with thousands of members, and hundreds of thousands followed through the association's digital platforms, reflecting their love for the Grand Imam and Al-Azhar.

Bhante Pannavaro, the representative of the Buddhist community in Indonesia, expressed his gratitude for the reception of the Grand Imam, a globally recognized figure for his efforts in promoting dialogue and pluralism. He added, "As a representative of Buddhists, I express our gratitude for this cherished visit to all Indonesians, not just Muslims," noting the Buddhist community's follow-up on the Grand Imam's stances and his calls for understanding and coexistence, pushing forward dialogue and closeness among followers of different religions and cultures. Rev. Gomar Gultom, the representative of the Protestant community in Indonesia, gave a welcoming speech to the Grand Imam, saying, "On behalf of the Christian churches in Indonesia, we express our gratitude and joy at welcoming Your Eminence to our country. Our meeting today is a significant step towards further joint meetings of religious leaders in our country. We are fortunate to be among this large Islamic community, representing the world's largest Muslim country, committed to preserving pluralism, diversity, harmony, and unity among all segments of society."

Dr. Mangku Pastika, leader of the Hindu community in Indonesia, stated that the Grand Imam's visit brought the spirit of peace at a time when the world desperately needs it amid widespread conflicts. He expressed his appreciation for the Grand Imam's efforts in promoting human fraternity, coexistence, and mutual respect, and his joy at the meeting organized by Nahdlatul Ulama to welcome the Grand Imam. He emphasized that Nahdlatul Ulama is a pillar of Indonesian society in maintaining its security, stability, and good relations among followers of different religions. Dr. Budi Wibowo, leader of the Confucian community in Indonesia, said, "We welcome the Grand Imam to our country. This is truly a visit of peace and affection for everyone. We pray that God grants him success in his efforts to establish peace and love, spreading them worldwide, making the world more harmonious and inclusive, providing a fertile ground that embraces everyone and ensures their rights and duties."

Cardinal Suharyo, the representative of the Catholic community in Indonesia, said, "The Grand Imam is an advocate for peace, and it is a great honor to meet him in Indonesia. I have long wished for this meeting, especially after he signed the Document on Human Fraternity with His Holiness Pope Francis in 2019, which we have distributed to various churches in Indonesia. It inspired us to publish a book on coexistence authored by several religious leaders in Indonesia. We hope to continue the Grand Imam's efforts to advance steps and closeness among followers of different cultures and religions."

At the end of the celebration, the CEO of the Nahdlatul Ulama Association presented the Grand Imam with the Nahdlatul Ulama Shield, expressing the Indonesian people's love for him and their happiness with this esteemed visit. 

The celebration was attended by Sheikh Miftachul Akhyar bin Abdul Ghani, President of the Supreme Council (Council of Senior Scholars) of Nahdlatul Ulama, Sheikh Dr. Yahya Cholil Staquf, Chairman of the Executive Council of Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs His Excellency Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Rev. Gomar Gultom of the Indonesian Protestant Church, a representative of Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo of the Indonesian Catholic Church, Dr. Made Mangku Pastika, leader of the Hindu community in Indonesia, Bhante Pannavaro, Supreme Religious Leader of the Indonesian Buddhist community, Budi Santoso Tano Wibowo, leader of the Confucian community in Indonesia, and a large number of religious, intellectual, and cultural figures in Indonesia.



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