Events | Book Fairs

International Publishing and Book Fair - Rabat 2022

  • Date: 03 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
  • Location : Morocco - Rabat

The Muslim Council of Elders participated for the third time in the 27th edition of the International Book and Publishing Fair (SIEL), now relocated to Rabat. The Council's pavilion featured top-selling scholarly works addressing key intellectual and doctrinal issues, correcting misconceptions, and promoting values of love, fraternity, and coexistence. Notable publications included Al-Qawl Al-Tayeb (The Good Word) by His Eminence Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar; The Imam and the Pope: A Thorny Path by the Council's Secretary-General Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam; Manahij Al-Tafkeer fi Al-‘Aqedah Bayn Al-Nasyeen wal-‘Aqlyeen (Approaches of Thinking in Creed: Between Textualists and Rationalists) in three volumes (Mu'tazilites, Ash'arites, and Salaf and Salafism) by Prof. Dr. Emad Khafaji; Al-Lama’ fi Al-Rad ‘ala Ahl Al-Zeegh wal-Bida’ (Masterfully Refuting the Claims of Deviators and Inventors of Heresy) authored by Imam Abu Hasan Al-Ash'ari (died 324 AH), forwarded by Al-Azhar’s Grand Imam Prof. Dr. Al-Tayeb and annotated by Prof. Dr. Hassan Shafei, member of Al- Azhar's Senior Scholars Authority; and Tafsir Al-Qur'an (Qur'anic Exegesis), attributed to Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn al-Hassan ibn Furak.