"الغرب وإعادة اكتشاف الإسلام .. مقاربات الإسلام في الفكر الغربي المعاصر
The book The West and the Rediscovery of Islam: Approaches to Islam in Contemporary Western Thought, authored by Professor Tijani Boulaouali, Director of the European Studies Program at the Al Hokama Center for Peace Research and an expert on European affairs, explores the crucial role of agreement and disagreement over the concepts and terminology that define the relationship between Islam and the West. The primary divergence is between the nature of Islam, seen as a divine religion that provides a worldview and a message embodying a system of moral and social values, and the West, perceived as a historical civilizational space with a distinct cultural and political identity.
The book is structured into three sections. The first section, ‘Islam and the West: A Comparative Conceptual Approach’, includes chapters such as A Comparative Terminological Analysis of Islam, The Term ‘West’: A Comparative Terminological Analysis, and The Dialectic between Islam and the West. The second section, ‘Islam in the West: Extensions in History and Perception’, comprises two chapters: A Historical Overview of Islam's Presence in the West and The Image of Islam: Conceptually, Historically, and in Reality.