President of Buddhist Summit, World Buddhist Supreme Conference and Chief High Priest of Nenbutsushu Sampozan Muryojuji Temple in Japan

President of Buddhist Summit, World Buddhist Supreme Conference and Chief High Priest of Nenbutsushu Sampozan Muryojuji Temple in Japan

Most Ven. Dr. Shinkai Kori

-    President of Buddhist Summit, World Buddhist Supreme Conference and Chief High Priest of Nenbutsushu Sampozan Muryojuji Temple in Japan
-    Conferred with the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Cambodia by the King of Cambodia in 2015
-    Responsible for 1371 monks at the Nenbutsushu Sampozan Muryojuji Temple as well as 42 branch temples
-    Committed to fostering cooperation, dialogue, and collaboration among Buddhist communities and other religions as well as promoting peace, compassion, and understanding