opening remark
Date: 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Location : Expo City Dubai - United Arab Emirates
The Word : The Word
In his opening remarks, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, a renowned yoga teacher and founder of the Isha Foundation, highlighted the crucial need for collective effort and cooperation to tackle the climate crisis, underlining religion’s significant role in this endeavor. Key highlights from his remarks include:
“People honor the Creator but often neglect the respect for creation and the environment, a paradox that is hard to fathom.”
“The current global challenges urgently call for the engagement of religious communities and the guidance offered by their teachings.”
“For many years, religion was blamed as the source of conflicts, wars, and crises on the Earth. But now, humanity needs the involvement of religious leaders, in tandem with scientific voices, to address climate change.”
“Humanity is approaching a substantial challenge in the years ahead with the ongoing climate crisis and our failure to protect the environment.”