The Grand Mufti of the Republic of Chad

The Grand Mufti of the Republic of Chad

His Eminence Sheikh Ahmad Al-Noor Mohammad Al-Hilw

His Eminence Sheikh Ahmad Al-Noor Mohammad Al-Hilw currently holds the position of the Grand Mufti of the Republic of Chad. He is a member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, the General Guide of the Imam Al-Qarafi Circle, a member of the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and a member of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema. He also serves as the Vice President of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema, Chad branch. His Eminence has authored numerous works, including Nayl al-Maqsud fi Sharh Maraqi al-Su'ood fi Usul al-Fiqh, Sharh 'ala al-'Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah, Sharh 'ala al-Kharidah al-Bahiyyah li al-Qutb al-Dardir, Riyadh al-Jannah 'ala Ida'at al-Dajnah fi I'tiqad Ahl al-Sunnah, Al-Fawa'id al-Hadithiyyah 'ala al-Qawa'id al-Asasiyah fi 'Ilm al-Hadith, and Minhat al-Bari 'ala al-Qawa'id al-Asasiyah fi 'Ilm al-Hadith.

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